Wearing Sweats to Wal-Mart: AJ Part 3

Hello there to my few brave followers. Brave to keep up with such a sporadic blog like mine.
I myself enjoy following a weekly blog. My pastor gave me a beautiful blog calendar that I obviously did not stick with. Keeping up with my health, hubby, family, classes and life in The Bay has been cray cray.
(And if you’re wondering from my last blog… YES I am going to Disneyland to celebrate my 2 year wedding anniversary, I often hyperventilate with excitement)

Like many tough things in life, I’m going to be honest, it was tough to sit down and write about this time in my life. My time with AJ was so short, yet it felt like I had known him forever.
I last left off with AJ and me meeting in our senior year of high school as 6th grad camp counselors.
Allow me to share a quick glimpse into the type of person he was….

Imagine with me now the funniest person you know, now think of a person who can make ANY ordinary day fun, ok now sprinkle some awesomeness, drench it with a whole lot of unselfishness and you have AJ.

If you needed $5, he’d find a way to give you $10.

Hey wanna see something funny?!
I bet you I could do this!
Did you smell that?
Did you know that you’re a muggle?
Example of how some of his sentences would start.

One of my favorite memories:
AJ had just gotten ready. He put some jeans on, a white T and a baseball cap on; he was waiting for my call (that’s what his mom and his sister tell me).

“Hey! Wanna go to Wal-Mart? –me
“Sure! I’ll pick you up” – AJ
“Ok but I’m being lazy and I’m wearing sweats and no makeup” – Me 

After we hung up, he changed to sweats. His mom asked him why he changed.
I just want Rhema to feel comfortable in sweats at Wal-Mart” – Aj responded.
(I promise I'm not a crazy Wal-Mart Shopper, you know what I mean)

Such a sweet small gesture, but that is just one of the small ways AJ would make ANYONE feel at home anywhere we went.

My friendship with him went from November of 2004 through April 2005 when he left for heaven.
Having lost several family members before and after losing AJ I hold on to this quote…
“When someone becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure”

Thanks for letting me share some of my treasures 

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