5 Reasons Why We Should Share Our Story

With skinned knees and bruised hearts; 

We choose owning our stories of struggle, 

Over hiding, over hustling, over pretending. 

When we deny our stories, they define us. 

When we run from struggle, we are never free. 

So we turn toward truth and look it in the eye

Brene' Brown

My homegirl Brene' climbed into my heart, read my journal and worded everything I was feeling about my story; about how powerful it is when we share our story with the world.

I've been sharing bits and pieces of my story here. I've written some kicking in screaming but every time I share, I feel God's peace wash over me.
I don't want our stories to define us, but long for them to be a spark of hope for others.
Remember we have the ability to choose; either we let our story define us, or refine us.

Will it be easy?


It will be hard.

Yet so good at the same time.

But why is it so important for the world to hear our story?

1) It's good for us
When we share our stories our souls find healing. Each time I've told someone my life story, another part my soul is healed. There is so much freedom in speaking our story out loud. I literally have felt like pressure was being taken from my heart during these moments.

2) Miracles still happen
There is no miracle so small that it can't give God glory. We forget that our stories are miracles. People need to know that God works miracles today just like he did for Moses in parting the Red Sea, and for the blind man he gave sight, the crippled man that walked again... you see when I first told someone a bit of my story they gave me that crazy I can't believe you went through that look. 

3) Inspire
Our stories have the power to give hope. Our stories have the power to inspire people. Let's be the light that this world so desperately needs and give hope. We can look anywhere and find someone that needs hope. Inspire with your story. Inspire by answering the questions; Why didn't you quit? What Inspired YOU to keep going? Or even if haven't seen your happy ending or the outcome you've been longing for isn't quite here yet, what pushes you to keep going?

4) Connection
Being transparent about our struggles builds connection. Our stories can be a Hot Mess, and that's perfectly fine.  Being real and authentic can open doors for us to rub off our courage on someone else. Believe it or not, YOUR story is filled with courage. YOUR courage is contagious. Connection allows us to empower others to be brave and walk out their story. 

5) Life Lessons
In retelling our life story, we're able to remember the lessons we learned. We can't learn these lessons from a YouTube Tutorial. We're able to keep those lessons fresh in our memory. These lessons are wisdom that have more power than we can imagine. Share your wisdom.

I'm sure there are many more legit reasons why we should share our stories.
But I've held on these as some of the many reasons why My Story Matters and why I should tell it.

From ashes to beauty!

Your Story Matters.

Tell it.

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